Roles & Responsibilities of the Lacrosse Team Manager
Second only to the Head Coach, the Manager role is one of the most important positions on a team.
Team manager takes care of booking team tournaments, collecting deposit cheques from families, handling the team finances (with the Club's Treasurer), act as parent liasion to Head Coach (suggest 24 hr rule to parents before contact is made), act as team liasion to the executive (via Director of Managers), dealing with promotional items such as clothing, equipment, etc (via the Director of Promotions), game sheets, assigning parents to fill out game sheets and work the clock for home games.
Additional Information for the Team Manager:
Identify other positions the team needs such as Jersey Parent (please let the parents know that Jerseys are to be washed after every game, no fabric softener and hang to dry).
Let the coaches know that if they cannot make a game, they are to contact you and the other coaches and find a replacement if necessary.
There is also a Manager's Guide that the coaches should be receiving at their GELC coaches meeting---this is for you. There is additional information therein that we will cover together at our Managers' meeting next week. Time and date yet to be determined.
For more information and details regarding Managers' roles and responsibilities along with hints and best practices for Managers, please review the 2014 edition of the Coaches' & Managers' Handbook